Thanks to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), we have progressed toward a society which has a bigger margin of possibilities and which has improved the quality of life for many. We are surrounded by new services and possibilities thanks to ICT development. Advances in medicine, population mobility, organization of society, agriculture, and in general quality of life are directly related to new developments in ICT.
In this Special Issue, we will be looking for papers that present significant advances in the field of ICT, projects with consolidated or incipient results that have a direct applicability to society. We are aiming to demonstrate how the advances in artificial intelligence, data science and engineering, or communications, influence areas such as robotics, e-learning, telework, telemedicine, industry 4.0, the digitalization of society, and any other fields regardING which outcomes will show a better, humane society.
Here are some topic examples we are looking for:
- Application of IoT technology to improve the quality of life of people with chronic diseases or elderly people living in isolation;
- New natural language processing algorithms to manage personal assistants by voice applied to the digital home;
- Artificial intelligence models that improve the search for information on the Internet;
- Robotics applied to work in situations of risk for human beings;
- Artificial intelligence in eLearning platforms, etc.
Special Issue
Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). MDPI