Participamos en el grupo de trabajo: «Wheelchair Educators Package Development Team» de la International Society of Wheelchair Profesionals (ISWP)

Thais Pousada ha sido seleccionada para participar en el grupo de trabajo: «Wheelchair Educators Package Development Team» de la International Society of Wheelchair Profesionals (ISWP):

El grupo está constituido por 31 expertos de 20 países que trabajarán desde el 1 de junio de 2020 hasta 31 de marzo de 2022 en la elaboración de un paquete de formación para profesionales de ciencias de la salud.

El objetivo de la formación es crear los contenidos y competencias mínimos para que los profesionales consigan una «certificación internacional» como expertos en la prescripción de la silla de ruedas.

About the Wheelchair Educators Package.

The purpose of the Educators Package is to guide the integration of wheelchair service provision education into professional rehabilitation academic programs and regional training centers. The target audience are the educators in these programs from high-, medium- and low-income settings, with and without experience in wheelchair service provision. The package will focus on the ‘how to’ integrate wheelchair content but will also provide guidance on content itself. The package will help to address one of the sector goals developed at the 2018 Wheelchair Stakeholders’ Meeting ‘By 2023, 10 countries will have new or strengthened evidence-based, adequately resourced, integrated wheelchair services supported by policies, competent personnel and a range of appropriate wheelchairs’. More specifically, it addresses the following priority action item related to this section goal: support competency development. It will assist with overcoming the barrier of inadequate training among wheelchair service providers that has been identified as an important factor in wheelchair service provision from low to high resourced settings. Package development is supported by the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP).