Mixed Study on the Impact of a Technology-Based Retirement Preparation Program: Tech-Retired. Protocol Study


Despite the increase in the older-adults’ population and recognizing retirement as one of the most changeable life stages, most Spanish people do not perform a retirement preparation program. The adaptation and preparation for retirement are needed to ensure adequate active and healthy aging.


The study aims to know about the experience with the retirement process of a retired people’s group and understand the impact on their quality-of-life and behavior change of a Personalized Retirement Preparation Program using technological devices.


People retired who have enjoyed paid employment and have never done a preparation program for retirement.


The present study is a mixed design consisting of a Participatory-Action-Research and a quasi-experimental study. The qualitative tools used were semi-structured individual, group interviews, and field diary, and the quantitative tools were the sociodemographic variables sheet and the EuroQol-5D-5 L scale.

Action plan development:

It was developed with 26 participants divided into three groups, during five presential sessions, and using technological resources.

Data analysis:

It consists of the comparison pre-post action plan along with analysis of the interview transcriptions with a parallel convergent analysis between qualitative and quantitative data.


The Research Ethics Committee of Galicia has approved the protocol.

The research team will bear all the economic costs involved in the study, with the support of the CITIC, as Research Center accredited by Galician University System that is funded by “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades from Xunta de Galicia,” which provided 80% of funds through ERDF Funds, ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020, and the remaining 20% was provided by “Secretaría Xeral de Universidades [Grant ED431G 2019/01]. Moreover, Patricia Concheiro-Moscoso obtained a scholarship [Ref.ED481A-2019/069] and María del Carmen Miranda-Duro [Ref.ED481A 2018/205] gained a scholarship to develop a Ph.D.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069211003437 ÍNDICE DE IMPACTO= 3.576 (2019) Categoría (SSCI): SOCIAL SCIENCES- INTERDISCIPLINARY. Puesto 8/108. Cuartil Q1 – D1